Monday, August 27, 2007

Entries submitted = $200 grand prize

The Teeter clan spent their last weekend before the beginning of the MWC gobbling down delicious desserts, grilled meats and casseroles at the Christensen Family Reunion (at least I did). I justify that sort of gluttony because it's not very often you have the opportunity to taste such delicious cooking! Grandma Teeter's pineapple coconut cake was to die for. But it's time to get focused because the weightloss challenge will soon begin.

Everyone submitted their entry fees this weekend and the grand total of entries is $200! Next Saturday will be the first weigh-in day. Please email me the weights by the end of the weekend (or write them down and email them as soon as you can - I know most of you aren't on the web as often as James or I). I will be the only person viewing your weight and it will be strictly confidential! I will only post the weight loss winner for the week and the ongoing standings. Please see the contest rules for more information.

Good luck everyone, and be sure to check in with the blog on a regular basis!


She She said...

The page looks fabulous Aly!

Debow Family said...

Thanks, momma! :) We need to keep this blog fresh, so comment/post as often as you can!