Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Teeters are teetering on Tumblr

If you've visited this blog in the last few months you may have noticed the lack of posts. Turns out I've been trying out a different platform called Tumblr. It's a scaled-down blogging platform that is easy to use on the computer or mobile phone. If you'd like to see what some Teeters have been up to, go to http://alyteeter.tumblr.com/.

With James' help, we may migrate the teetering.org doman over to Tumblr too. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Amanda Brown said...

Hi there,

My teen son has made up an email (your 'spamhappy@gmail.com') account and can't access his XBox One account emails (because they're going to you)!

Please can you tell me if you can help us to fix his mess?

We need you to click a link in an email that will have arrived, or will arrive in your in-box (if you're downloading emails from this account).

I am SO sorry for this debacle!

(I hope you read your blog comments...)


- Amanda

Many thanks!

- Amanda Brown (mum of said son)