Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Teeter is set to deploy

The Teeters gathered last weekend for K.C.'s farewell parties. The Teeter son departed this week for over a month of spin-up training in Wisconsin. Straight from WI, his unit will travel to Iraq and will be based in Mosul. K.C. was recently promoted to Staff Sgt. (Army E-6) and will be in charge of over a hundred people. He seems excited for the leadership challenge, and I think he'll do an outstanding job! I'm very proud of my brother.

Back to the parties. K.C. had a friends party and a family party last weekend. The turn-out for both parties was overwhelming, and goes to show how much K.C. is cared for. James took over 7,000 photos during the weekend, and the best 100 or so are posted here. Some people who didn't know James asked if he was the official event photog - too funny. James wouldn't put the camera down, but I think he captured some beautiful images. There are lots of cute kid pics as well...

Over the course of the next year please keep the Teeter fam in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your service, K.C.!

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